CyberTraining for Disaster Management Network
(CTDM CyberTraining)

We recommend you start with the Computing Module before trying the Disaster Data Module and Geospatial Analytics Module.
Computing Module: Introduces fundamental concepts and skills of Cyberinfrastructure (CI) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) to lower the barrier to becoming CI users in disaster management research. The module will cover the critical topics of CI and HPC with hands-on sessions.
Disaster Data Module: Introduces concepts of geospatial big data in disaster management. Students will learn how to access and process disaster data.
Geospatial Analytic Module: Introduces geospatial analytics skills to address real-world challenges in disaster management. The module will use the data introduced in the Disaster Data Module and cover various geospatial analytics topics such as geosimulation, spatial optimization, network analysis, terrain analysis, Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI), social sensing, and CyberGIS.